Monday, April 22, 2013

Tip of the terrorist iceberg?

After a week of watching the federal, state, and local authorities chase down and subdue the Brothers Tsnaraev -- accused of executing the cowardly and heinous bombing at the Boston Marathon -- we have opened a new week with another alleged terrorist plot, this time north of the border in Canada.

Fortunately, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) thwarted the scheme to attack a passenger train that runs between Toronto and the U.S. The RCMP's joint investigation with the FBI and the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security turned up evidence that the two men accused in the plot were working under the "direction and guidance" of "al-Qaida elements" based in Iran.

Back stateside, U.S. authorities are still working to determine if the Brothers Tsnarnaev planned and pulled off the Boston bombing on their own or if there was some puppet master out there pulling the strings. Some politicians and pundits are tiptoeing around or all together ignoring the "Islamic extremist" term in relation to the Brothers Tsnarnaev. Others of similar ilk are calling for everything from "beefing up" immigration standards to wire tapping mosques and other houses of worship that belong to groups whose religious views could be deemed as "extreme".

Amid the speculation, arguments, and the politicians and pundits falling all over themselves at the sight of cameras and microphones, I have one question. Is this the tip of the terrorist iceberg in North America?

It's a question to which I have no concrete answer, only a gut feeling that it could be "yes". That gut feeling is based on a post-9/11 interview. The name and affiliation of the individual being interviewed at the time escapes me, but I remember clearly what he said in regards to the rise of al-Qaida and similar terrorist organizations. He speculated that one day down the road, we could very well be battling extremists of any stripe in our own streets.

I pray that it is not the case.

Monday, April 15, 2013

National shame

The number of babies murdered by "Dr." Kermit Gosnell -- the Jack the Ripper of Philadelphia -- will probably never be known, but the despicable ignorance of the mainstream media (MSM) is definitely on display for all to see.

Outside of a few conservative media outlets and Christian media, the Gosnell murder trial has been not just under-reported or unreported in the MSM, it has been covered up, until recently when even some left-leaning bloggers and online outlets finally called out the MSM for its disgraceful non-coverage (yes, it's a word for this instance) of this national shame that has been going in the Philadelphia butcher shop being passed off as a "women's clinic."

In today's edition of the "American Thinker," Thomas Lifson offers his view of the empty press section in the Philadelphia courtroom. Here's a link to his column.